En la cercanía
Casa4Casa is located in the center of Palermo, between the Teatro Massimo and the Teatro Politeama. On foot, you can visit the beautiful buildings, churches, buildings and many other monuments in the city.
Politeama Theater
The Teatro Politeama Garibaldi is located in Piazza Ruggero Settimo, also called "Piazza Politeama". The work is based in simetrías on the basis of which there is a concise presentation online with the characteristic elements of the Napoleonic triunfal arches. En su entrada ha una carrosa de bronce con Apolo, dios de la música, y Euterpe, muse de la ópera, de Mario Rutelli. The theater was inaugurated in 1874 and the first performance was "The Capulets and the Montagues" by Vincenzo Bellini.
Maximus Theater
The Teatro Massimo Vittorio Emanuele in Palermo is the largest opera house building in Italy and one of the largest in Europe. Its opening was reassembled at the end of the 19th century, when the project begun by Giovanni Battista Filippo Basile was completed in 1875, and then completed by his son Ernesto, who would be converted to the master of Italian Libertad, becoming a Palermo in one of the the best beauties of Europe. The opera that inaugurated Massimo's stage was Falstaff de Verdi: from the beginnings, the theater has received opera directors, opera singers and important orchestras in the world. The Teatro Massimo is also an ideal starting point for visiting the historic center and discovering the monuments, historic buildings and churches, which are mainly concentrated in the area between Piazza Verdi and the central station.
Pretoria Square
Piazza Pretoria, commonly called "Piazza della Vergona", due to the description of the statues that make up the beautiful fountain, is completely finished in white Carrara marble by the sculptor Francesco Camilliani who was exhibited in Florence in 1554 and then bought by the city of Palermo. La hermosa plaza is located in many legends of Quattro Canti, exactly in the center of the grave of the historic city. The source is an example of the Tuscan Renaissance, it occupies the entire center of the square and is one of the most beautiful sources in Italy.
Palace of the Normans
The Palazzo dei Normanni, also known as the Royal Palace, is currently the seat of the Regional Assembly of Sicily. The palace is the oldest real residence in Europe, the home of the sovereigns of the King of Sicily, the imperial seat with Federico II and Corrado IV and the historic Sicilian Parliament. The Capilla Palatina is located on the first floor of the building. It was built between 1130 and 1143 at the instances of King Roger II. The richness of the decorations is impressive, especially the Byzantine mosaics that cover all the upper walls of the naves.
Church of San Cataldo
The church of San Cataldo is located near Piazza Bellini in an elevated position in comparison with the plaza. The religious building is a precious testimony of the floral architecture under the Norman domination. The crowning of the building consists of an at least arabesque, encima de la which the hemispheric volumes of the three rojas cupulas características stand out, which cubren the nave central giving the building a particular exotic charm. In the interior, characterized by the sober and severe desnudez of its walls without adornos, the three bahías cuadradas of the central ship rise, closed by two short pasillos, cubiertos by ojivales bóvedas.
El Antiguo Establecimiento de Baño de Mondello, called Charleston, one of the architectural works in the Art Nouveau style, born in the beginning of the XX century. The project for the building, located on a large platform supported by sunken shells in the water, was due to the architect Rudolf Stualker, who originally designed it for the Belgian city of Ostende. The realization of the plant was entrusted to the company of Giovanni Rutelli, son of the famous sculptor Mario Rutelli. The result was an elegant building decorated with spirals, frisos, sculptures and vidrieras de vivos colores.
Four Songs
At the intersection of the two main streets of Palermo, Corso Vittorio Emanuele and Via Maqueda, this open space is located, in which gaps the convex facades of the beautiful seventeenth-century buildings rise. The facades are decorated in three superpuestos órdenes (Doric, Jónico and Corinthian) with, in the center, fuentes crowned by estatuas de las cuatro estaciones. In exchange for the nichos of the superior órdenes, the statues of the Spanish kings and those who are called protectors of Palermo, the saints Cristina, Ninfa, Oliva and Agata, more late suplanted by Santa Rosalía. The cross also marks the four areas in which Palermo I was once divided: Palazzo Reale, Mezzomonreale, Castellammare y Oreto, each one confiding to a Saint.
The Cathedral of Palermo is one of the symbols of the city. It is located at the beginning of Corso Vittorio Emanuele, just behind Porta Nuova. The building is connected to the Palacio del Arzobispo and is located in the center of an area full of monuments, churches and noble palaces. The building that I now se can admire at the entrance to Corso Vittorio Emanuele is the result of many alterations that tuvieron place beyond the siglos, beyond the different dominations that have alternated on the throne of Sicily , like Arabs and Normans. Located off the right side of the cathedral, the capilla de Santa Rosalía is located. Los Palermitanos invoke her as patroness, by the miracle she asked to save the city of the sea that she established in 1624.
The Marzipan
The church of Santa Maria dell'Ammiraglio and known as La Martorana is located together with the church of San Cataldo. Byzantine construction of the Middle Ages, is a testimony of oriental religious and artistic culture in Italy. The church was a reference to the Albanian exiles who huyered in Sicily from the XV century, under the pressure of Turkish-Otoman persecutions in the Balkans. This last influence has caused considerable huellas in the painting of icons, in the religious rite, in the language, in the traditional trajes typical of some Albanian colonies in the province of Palermo. The community is part of the Iglesia Católica, but follows the ritual and spiritual traditions that unite it in large part to the Iglesia Ortodoxa.
The beach of Mondello is located between Monte Pellegrino and Monte Gallo, which give a touch of nature and greenery to the white beach bathed by a crystalline sea. Throughout the year you can enjoy the solitary and safe beauty of the beach, while in the months of summer it transforms to better accommodate the many tourists who choose it as the destiny of their vacations on the beach. There are numerous villas in the Art Nouveau style, known as the best expression of Art Nouveau in Italy.